Remember this little guy? Colten (our 1st son) born Feb 2001 and now his little brother was on his way in March 2002. This is the short story of Karsen's growing years! It is fun to see the boys pictures together.. not too much difference right at their births!
Karsen Chase born March 22, 2002 - that's right! 13 1/2 months after Colten. It was a BIG surprise, but an awesome one! Karsen has been the best kid & brings our family much laughter!
1 day old.. He had the fullest and darkest head of hair! I definitely knew he was his daddy's boy.
3 days old.. I 'm telling you - his hair was out-of-control! I think this style lasted about a year for him. We couldn't get it to stay down!
And it's still standing up at 1 month old!
the Hair is still crazy and boy did he have the biggest eyes.. "Yeah thats right - I'm looking at you!"
3 months old
6 months old.. Doesn't everybody have this pose? It's a must at our house. Just think of all the fun we will have when they are older!
Best Buds in the tub! Colten is 22 mths old and Karsen is 9 mths old!
The Hair.. okay, so this was done on purpose, but who wouldn't have? It was amazingly crazy!
10 months old - And don't you just love the drool?
18 months old and still in the crib - He loved it! And to believe that he had just quit nursing. No wonder people looked at me funny - He was a big boy!!
15 months old... our of order, but so so cute! This boy was so fun to cuddle and he was really the sweetest kid! We remember that he cried a lot though!!
So, what was life like with 2 boys 13 months apart and one more coming in 6 months? It was absolutely great!! Busy, crazy and we knew something was going to have to be done before we had 10!!
Growing up.. 2 years old! Big brother Colten was always there to help!!
2 yrs old - He loved Cake & Cookie batter!
3 years old - Karsen and mom
If you know Karsen, you know that he can sleep ANYWHERE! It's the best feeling when he falls asleep on you and you have to carry him to bed.. Well, he's kinds of getting too heavy for me now! 3 1/2 yrs old
4 years old.. what a little man! This is still my all-time FAVORITE picture of him!
5 years old.. He's Brett's boy with Uncle Chad's build!
6 years old - Still growing, still likes to laugh & still has a smile to break hearts!
Happy Birthday Karsen - 7 yrs old
He likes to play basketball, video games, baseball, basketball, more video games & more basketball. Lately, he'll play basketball 2-3 hours each night. That's why he has a MONEY-SHOT! And that's why he had basketball Birthday cakes!