August 22, 2008

I've got the Touch!

Not only do I have the magic touch on the keys, but in decorating too!  My talent to change a room for  the better over the years has definitely grown. I've had my share of "bad" decorating sense, but have come to know what I love! Brett keeps me in check for the most part - but the only check he had on this room was the $$$. We did pretty good babe! Now, the "Grand" piano has a matching "Grand" new room to make its home! I have had a chair that belonged to my  Great-Grandmother and my husband (who I thought really really loved me) wanted to throw it away! As you see here... I won! I re-upholstered and painted it.. it's so pretty and reminds me of her. The china hutch was my mom's and I revamped it too! I have really enjoyed decorating this room! Cambria's bathroom and toyroom is next. Watch out!! Brett says I sometimes over do it - no really, honey!


Anonymous said...

The new piano room looks great!Don't forget that the little table was Great Grandma Vi's too. I like that bold color on the walls. Can't wait to see it for real. Dad checked it out earlier--he said Very Nice!!

Stephanie said...

nice room, you need to come to my house next, bring Brett's money with you too :)

Smith's said...

You ARE so talented! At least that’s what my jeans keep telling me :). By the way LOVE ‘em!!!! You by far did better than the raunchy lady at Nordstrom. Thanks so much for hemming then. You did such a great job I didn’t want to ruin them zip lining. They said to have some that you could thrash, so I HAD to go shopping (you know how I must have hated that… yah right). I owe you, I could… hummm… when I get a talent I’ll call you:).

Wendi said...

Looks beautiful! Come help me please!

Amy said...

Kirst, seriously is there anything that you can't do??? You know I love it and sorry girls, she's helping me next, I already spoke her. Hee Hee