August 10, 2008

YelLowStoNe's Hot Pots

How's we end up with this many kids??? Oh yeah.. we lost the other car full of adults... (another story for another day)!! We had a fun day seeing to many sights in Yellow -stone. We are all standing near some of the hot pots and in this picture.. it seems like we're standing on the edge of the world!  It's a beautiful picture!

This is called the Black Hole because you cannot see the bottom.. it's very deep! It is also very very HOT! You can't tell in the picture, but the water is boiling!
The hot pots in Yellow -stone National Park.. they are naturally formed and very cool to see.. but not great to smell! 
The family photo while sightseeing in Yellow -stone!


nspency said...

That was a pretty quiet ride for us. I'm glad you took pics of these pools...we didn't ever see them. Tyler and Mason were impressed with the singing that went on in the van. ;o)