November 9, 2009

WorK, pLay, PLay?

Brett's day off work and what does he do? He climbs all day!
Just ascending out of Utah Valley: Highland/Alpine.
At the top! He walked across what you see. I know he's crazy and yes! It is straight down!
Zaida curled up in Brett's legs when he got home!
the sewing side of my craft room! Brett finished buying me a table and cubbies for my birthday!


Amy said...

Kirst, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your family pics, you guys look so GREAT and the colors are perfect! Just catching up, looks like you guys have been having tons of fun!

Kirstin and Brett's Family said...

thanks Amy.. can't wait to see your little man..hope you are doing well and taking it easy!

Jay, Holly, Talen said...

Your craft room looks awesome girl!

Jay, Holly, Talen said...

P.S. Cute family pic:)

Sarah and Jeremie said...

Love the craft room. I'm working on mine. Got a ways to go still. Ikea, right? Gotta love it.