Kirstin Sue Sorensen, born Sept. 25. I spent the first month of my life in the hospital due to an infection. It was a difficult time (I don't really remember), but I survived... lucky for Brett!

6 weeks old.... They shaved my head in the hospital to put all the tubes in, but look at those eyes!

My Grandma Pat, Mom Sue & Me... Our 1 year old pictures

Me @ 1 years old... I know all of you have a naked picture!

Cambria (my girl) at 1 years old. There are some similarities I think!

Me at 2 years old helping in the kitchen. Making cookies I'm sure!

PreSchool Days... 4 years old

My brothers and me... Kindergarten, 5 years old

It's Dancing Time... 6 years old! Ballet - It wasn't for me!

4th grade.. 9 years old What a smile!

8th grade Graduation dress.. so metallic! 13 years old

Senior 1993, Hanford High School 17 years old

Senior Prom 1993... Still metallic and shiny! I always did like the tall, dark and handsome men! So, Brett fits the mold! I did good!!! 17 years old

BYU Freshman Ski Class.. Can you find me? I was the only girl and I loved it! How did I do that? Well, I was in the highest ranking ski class - where the guys dominated! I rocked back in the day!!

BYU Freshman year with my friends.. weren't we so cute? 18 years old

I finally met the man of my dreams!! Me & Brett in 1996... isn't he HOT!!! 20 yrs. old

Brett & I on our 10 year anniversary trip... 32 years old.. This is our best picture and we haven't taken another one as good since, so this is where my short Birthday story ends! I hope you enjoyed the pictures!
You just get better with age! Hope you're having a stupendous birthday!!!!!!
I love this post Kirst! What a fun idea to put all the pics from growing up, I can't believe how much you and Cambria look alike even then. Happy Happy Day to you, I really hope that you get feeling better. Let's get together for ice-cream or lunch for sure when you are feeling better. Love your guts.
Oh by the way, SWEET hair in high school, I had the same style, wasn't it HOT?????
Happy Birthday Kirsten.. Hope your day was extra special.. I loved all
the sweet pictures of you. Cute idea!
What a trip! You are such a tiny thing and always have been. Happy Birthday and have a great day :)
Happy Birthday! I hope it was a great one.
I too loved the hot highschool hair. I had it too, and sometimes still do.
How funny! I love the crazy hair and outfits!!! Did we REALLY ever look like that??? I didn't know that you were in the hospital for a month when you were born!
Those were such fun pictures, thanks for sharing. You and Brett look sooooo young in your engagement picture, I can't get over how THICK Brett's hair is!!! (don't tell him I said that!)
Well Happy birthday friend! I hope that you are feeling crappy to be sick on your bday!
love ya
Sick on your birthday??? Bummer! Hope you were able to get some relaxation in anyway!
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